The Return

The Return was commissioned by Walk the Plank as part of their touring fire gardens. It premiered at Greenwich and Dockland festival in September 2021, as part of the Reflection Gardens.

The piece has since been shown in Manchester, Rochdale and elsewhere.

It is a heart shaped, ‘journey through’ space, created from found and discarded metal: old tools, cookware, bike parts and much more. The space is lit by candle light and has sound created from recordings made in early morning, midday and at night.


The piece is one of a series of work and research, through which the artist Jessica Rostasks the question:


Can we create places and moments which provide refuge from this eco-anxiety? Can we create art which isn’t necessarily providing solutions, grabbing attention or preaching change but allowing people to ‘be’. Can we create spaces of sanctuary and stillness which allow us to feel our loss, share our joy and reflect on our feelings of disconnect?

The first version of the installation was programmed for four nights at The Green Gathering in August 2019, where festival goers were invited to enter the spiral structure, light a flame and return to themselves, each other, nature…it was a very popular, beautiful space which held many moments  of connection for many people there. You can see film footage of The Return at Green Gathering here.

There is a growing feeling of disconnection within society and a real sense of powerlessness in relation to the environmental and climate crisis we are facing.

We are all living lives which seem to contradict the connection with nature and with each other – the harmony we crave.

There is an awareness of the changes that are required and also feelings of despair and of pressing responsibilities and guilt at the collective inability to act. The Return attempts to provide a collective breathing space, a shared heart of healing.

If you would like to enquire about booking the piece for an event or festival please email Walk the Plank.