Build a Bender workshop

20th-23rd April 2023

Come and learn how to construct your own bender with experts Cath Rigler and Jessica Rost.

A bender tent is a simple shelter made using flexible poles such as those of hazel or willow. These are lodged in the ground, then bent and woven together to form a strong dome-shape. The dome is then covered using tarpaulin. The idea is that the whole lot can be dismantled and moved to another location easily on a simple hand cart. Benders can also be more permanent living spaces. They can be heated during the winter using a woodburning stove and are capable of withstanding very strong winds so long as the covers are well weighed down.
The origin of the bender cannot be ascribed to any particular ethnic group. The mat tents used by Tuareg nomads are very similar to them, and like structures are commonplace throughout sub-saharan Africa. They were used by Romanies in Europe until very recently, and in the UK were revived by the protest movement from 1960’s onwards.


Workshop leaders:

Cath has built and lived in benders most of her adult life. She is based in mid Wales at the moment, where she works as a performer, musician, and spoken word artist. She has had lots of experience facilitating outdoor workshops, forest schools and community arts projects.

Jessica also has lots of bender building experience. She is a sculptor and deviser of outdoor arts. She lives in her bender full time on site so you will get to see it during the workshop.


What we will be covering:

We’ll be learning where and when to source suitable poles. There’ll be discussions around sustainability and off-grid living and we’ll take you out on a walk to cut and prepare some hazel. We’ll show you how to level the ground and we’ll aim to get the frame/structure built, with window frames in, by day two.



At the end of the four days you’ll have helped to build a completed bender with windows, ground sheet, flooring, lining, insulation, and final tarp covering. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to talk about many other considerations too, such as ventilation, wood burners, solar power and more.

The workshop is a residential and will include shared meals. There is camping on site (free for people on workshops), and some limited accommodation in the farm house (first come first served basis).



£180 per person for the full four day workshop. The fee includes basic accommodation/or camping and shared meals.

More information on booking.

To book a place or ask for more info please email: